Manage Obsidian notes anywhere with GPD MicroPC

I have a GPD MicroPC handheld computer that has been idle for a long time. Recently, I've fallen in love with using 0.0 Obsidian 介绍 for note-taking. Therefore, I thought of utilizing this device, so that I can manage Obsidian notes anywhere.

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The MicroPC, as shown in the image above, is about the size of a handheld game console and has a full keyboard. The typing feel on the keyboard is very good, and after getting used to it, the typing speed is not slow, which is more efficient than typing on touch screen devices. Based on this, it has productivity capabilities.

However, it's worth mentioning that the CPU of the MicroPC is not very fast, but fortunately, Obsidian does not require high CPU performance.

Usage Scenarios

I envision scenarios where it's not feasible to use a computer directly, such as on the subway, in restaurants, or while sitting briefly in a shop. During these fragmented times, I can take out the MicroPC and open Obsidian.

Since the MicroPC screen is quite small, it can only accommodate one full-screen window for Obsidian. This limits what I can do; for example, I can't use split-screen to display a browser/PDF reader on one side and Obsidian on the other, as both windows would be too small.

In the full-screen Obsidian window, there are two things I can do:

  1. Writing: capturing fleeting inspirations.
  2. Organizing and reviewing existing notes.

Organizing and reviewing existing notes is very meaningful, as I have recorded a lot of notes and need to regularly review them and refine them. It's a bit like refactoring code to make the structure of the notes more rational. This task can be competently handled with the full keyboard and touchpad interaction of the MicroPC.

Random note

The Random note feature in Obsidian is very interesting.

I like to use it for organizing notes: Click on Random note, read the note, think about how to improve it. Then click Random note again...

Multi-Device Synchronization

I use the obsidian-git plugin for multi-device synchronization. I set up a Git service on my NAS and created an Obsidian notes repository.

I have two computers, one desktop and one 2-in-1 laptop, which synchronize notes across devices using the obsidian-git plugin. The whole mechanism is very reliable. Even if conflicts occur, they can be easily resolved through Git.

I also installed obsidian-git on the Obsidian of MicroPC, and now notes are synchronized across three devices.

Digital Garden

This Digital Garden is also based on Obsidian, built using the Obsidian-Digital-Garden plugin.

Now with MicroPC, I can write anytime and anywhere, whether drafting outlines for articles or refining the wording of already published articles.

This is great!


This is my practice of managing Obsidian notes with MicroPC. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact me for discussion. I hope this article can be helpful to you.


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